Starting from:


Strong: Enter The Astral Realm (Brainwave Entrainment for Astral Projection - New 2023)

This neowake® session is a unique combination of monaural beats and the neowake® technology Syncrowave. This specially designed technology makes the frequencies blend even better with the music, making this session very enjoyable to listen to over a long period of time. 

The neowake® technology uses special audio frequencies that act on the brain and can put it into a deep meditative state. This session uses brainwave frequencies from the theta range, which are particularly important for astral projection. These frequencies help to calm the mind and expand consciousness.

The session lasts 3 hours and starts with a brainwave frequency of 6.5 Hz, slowly increasing to 7 Hz. The combination of music and brainwave frequencies in the neowake® session allows you to enter a deep state of relaxation and meditation and enter the astral world.

Overall, this neowake® session is a great way for experienced and inexperienced astral travelers to go deeper into the astral world and deepen their experience. If you choose to enjoy this session, we recommend that you stay in a quiet and undisturbed environment. We also recommend that you use headphones to get the best experience possible.

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