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Gain 100% Brain Capacity: Binaural Beats For Focus - 40Hz Brain Waves (GAMMA)

This session aims to increase your brain capacity to 100%. With our daily concentration, we are often unable to access our full cognitive capacity. This is because we often move into the mid-beta range, which puts our brainwaves in a range between 15 and 30 Hz. With this session, your brainwaves will be raised to the gamma range (40 Hz), which means you will be able to access your full cognitive performance.

The session has a running time of 60 minutes and uses binaural beats to bring your brainwaves into the gamma range. To get the full effect, we recommend you use headphones. It is not necessary to listen to the entire session to feel its effects, but it is recommended that you listen to it regularly to enhance the effect.

This session is especially useful when you want to work or study in a concentrated way, as it will help you get into the "flow" state. Try it out and enjoy the result!

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