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CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS - Fast Manifestation & Quantum Potential Activation

Christ Consciousness is a term that is initially interpreted very theistically, but actually describes a more general power of consciousness that can also be explored independently of religions. It is about rediscovering your own creative power and awakening your own quantum potential.

The term Christ Consciousness has been established for this, even though it may be associated with some prejudices for many people. This session is about rediscovering this potential of your own creative power. The historical Christ was a perfect example, a personality who was consciously in the creative power. 

As is often the case with free thinkers, his life did not end in freedom. Many followers carried his message into the world, which over the centuries led to the formation of larger communities of Christian faith. For example, the Gnostics, who made their presence known in present-day Egypt and who described God as a two-dimensional space-time. But the nationalisation of the faith also led to an increasing conformity and thus to the loss of the own creative power.

This session helps you manifest on a mental and physical level, to become aware of your own creative power. Listen to the session completely at best. This works with headphones and speakers. The session is of course experimental, so we welcome feedback and many comments.

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