OM Mantra Meditation - The Sound Of The Universe (+ Theta Waves)
OM Mantra Meditation - The Sound Of The Universe (+ Theta Waves)
This 4 hour session combines a chant of the symbol "OM" with effective theta waves to provide a deep meditation experience. Alternatively, this session can also be listened to for relaxation or visualizations. The frequency is at a level of 7 Hz and can therefore have a strong soporific effect.
We recommend listening in the late evening or in the morning so as not to disturb the productivity of everyday life.
"OM", whether one believes in it or not, is the most sublime symbol in Buddhism and Hinduism and is considered sacred there. It is less a word as such, but more a mantra, which gains strength by reciting. So spiritual people plead that the "OM" works because it represents the universe. Limit scientists (myself included) have the theory that by reciting sound for centuries, combined with emotions and user intentions, a kind of "energy" has been established in the morphogenetic field, which in turn can lead to effects in consciousness. Those who want to read more about this should take a look at the teachings of Rupert Sheldrake.
The Sanskrit alphabet begins with the "O" and ends with the "M"; so the "OM" includes all words that can be pronounced. It is then, so to speak, "the sound of the universe". And the best place to go for effective sounds is of course neobeats.