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Ultimate Defense Against Diseases & Empowering Of Resilience - NOT Rune (Naudiz)

This session is an ancient sound therapy from our Runes Collection. The rune 'NOT' is a connective rune or dissolving rune and stands for coming together and separating. By activating the rune, the body's own and mental defenses can be increased. It helps with depressive moods and with the loss of the will to live.

Especially in the current time this rune can help through severe crises. 

In English, 'Not' is a description for a critical phase that someone has to get through. The magical power of this rune helps you to overcome a bad situation. Use it to strengthen your body & mind.

The session was sung by a professional rune maestro. You can find more rune chants on the channel of "The Rune Man":

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