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Optimize Heart-Brain Coherence: 1000 Hz + 197 Hz + 639 Hz | Raise Your Vibration

Prepare yourself for a transformative journey of heart-brain coherence with neowake®! This session, crafted with Solfeggio frequencies, including 639 Hz, 1000 Hz, and 197 Hz, offers a powerful experience.

Find a quiet place, put on your headphones, and close your eyes. The frequency of 639 Hz is known for its ability to improve relationships and promote positive social interactions. The powerful 1000 Hz frequency supports spiritual growth and the opening of the mind. The deep 197 Hz frequency contributes to relaxation and harmony.

The combination of these Solfeggio frequencies creates a unique synergy aimed at enhancing heart-brain coherence. Feel your inner energies align and a harmonious balance between heart and mind emerge.

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