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10 Hz - Serotonin Release - Triggering Happiness Hormones | Alpha Binaural Beats

Embark on a journey of happiness enhancement with neowake®! This session, crafted with 10 Hz alpha-binaural beats, aims to promote the release of serotonin, leading to an influx of happiness hormones.

Find a cozy spot, put on your headphones, and close your eyes. The 10 Hz frequency is designed to entrain the brain into the alpha state, associated with increased relaxation and inner peace.

As you experience this session, focus on positive thoughts and let the harmonious sounds envelop you. Feel a pleasant lightness spreading within you, as the binaural beats contribute to the release of serotonin.

This experience can help boost your well-being and foster a positive mood. Take this time to relax and let the happiness hormones flow.

Experience the release of serotonin and the influx of happiness hormones with neowake®!

More neowake® sessions