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Männliche und weibliche Energie in Einklang bringen - Shiva Shakti Frequenzen (221.23 Hz + 144.72 Hz

In this neowake® session, you are invited to harmonize your masculine and feminine energies. We utilize the powerful Shiva Shakti frequencies of 221.23 Hz and 144.72 Hz to balance your inner energies and harmonize your essence.

The masculine energy, represented by the planetary tone of Mars, embodies strength, assertiveness, and activity. The feminine energy, embodied by the planetary tone of Venus, symbolizes love, receptivity, and creativity. When these two energies are in balance, you gain a deeper understanding of yourself and your relationships.

Close your eyes and let the powerful frequencies resonate within you. Feel the merging of masculine and feminine energy within you, creating perfect harmony. This is the moment where you connect with your true self and dissolve the duality within you.

Allow the frequencies to dissolve your blockages and balance your energy centers. Enjoy this process of inner transformation and feel your masculine and feminine aspects merging in loving unity.

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