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Silicium level optimization: Stronger bones, healthier skin, hair and nails (neowake® biofrequencies

If you want to optimize your silicium levels to promote stronger bones and support skin, hair as well as nails, a session with neowake® Biofrequencies can be helpful.

Silicium is an important trace element found in various tissues of the body, including bones, skin, hair, and nails. It plays a critical role in the formation of collagen, a structuring protein responsible for the strength and elasticity of these tissues.

An optimal supply of silicium can help improve bone health and promote bone strength. It can also help support skin health by promoting collagen production, which can lead to firmer and younger-looking skin. In addition, silicon can strengthen hair and nails and promote the growth and overall health of these tissues.

The neowake® biofrequency session to optimize silicium levels aims to affect the body at a cellular level and support silicium metabolism. Through targeted stimulation with bioinformative frequencies, the natural metabolic processes associated with silicon can be enhanced.

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