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Stimulation Of The Hypoglossal Nerve To Improve Speech, Breathing and Jaw Problems (neowake®)

The hypoglossal nerve plays an important role in controlling movements of the tongue and larynx. Targeted stimulation with neowake® biofrequencies can improve the function of the hypoglossal nerve. Optimized nerve function can lead to relief of complaints such as speech and swallowing disorders, breathing difficulties and temporomandibular joint problems.

Stimulation of the hypoglossal nerve can also help treat neurological conditions such as sleep apnea. Improved function of the hypoglossal nerve can lead to relief of symptoms such as breathing pauses during sleep and snoring.

Targeted stimulation of the hypoglossal nerve with neowake® biofrequencies can also reduce muscle tension in the mouth and jaw area. This can be particularly beneficial for patients with tension and pain in the jaw and mouth area.

In addition, stimulation of the hypoglossal nerve with neowake® Biofrequencies can also help treat voice disorders and throat infections. Improved nerve function can lead to a reduction in inflammation in the throat area and an improvement in voice quality.

Overall, targeted stimulation of the hypoglossal nerve with neowake® biofrequencies can lead to relief from various complaints and help in the treatment of neurological disorders.

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