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The BEST Frequency (432 Hz) - Revitalization & Dissolving Subconscious Blockages

Immerse yourself in the renewing world of the best frequencies, 432 Hz and 7.83 Hz, with neowake®! This powerful session is designed to revitalize your vitality and dissolve subconscious barriers.

Find a quiet place where you can relax. Close your eyes and let the harmonious sounds of 432 Hz and 7.83 Hz wash over you. The 432 Hz frequency is often regarded as "The best frequency" as it resonates with natural vibrations. The 7.83 Hz, also known as the Schumann Resonance, is the natural frequency of the Earth's magnetic field and is associated with increased well-being.

As you delve into this session, feel the vibrations of the 432 Hz and 7.83 Hz frequencies flowing through your body, releasing revitalizing energy. Allow these sounds to dissolve subconscious barriers and promote a state of inner harmony.

Enjoy this journey of revitalization and let the best frequencies, 432 Hz and 7.83 Hz, unfold their healing magic. Experience how this session boosts your energy and clarifies your mind as you free yourself from subliminal barriers.

Experience the healing power of the best frequencies with neowake®!

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