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Stimulation of the Vagus Nerve for Improved Organ Function (neowake® Biofrequencies)

The vagus nerve, also known as the tenth cranial nerve, is an important part of the autonomic nervous system and plays a crucial role in regulating the functions of internal organs such as the heart, lungs and digestive system. Therefore, stimulation of the vagus nerve can have many positive effects on the body.

A novel method of stimulating the vagus nerve is the use of biofrequencies specifically designed to meet the needs of the body. One such method is neowake® biofrequency therapy, which aims to stimulate the vagus nerve and thus restore balance in the body.

By specifically stimulating the vagus nerve, many positive health effects can be achieved. 

These include improved heart rate variability, reduction of inflammation in the body, relief of stress symptoms, and improvement in sleep quality.

The neowake® biofrequency therapy is a non-invasive method that is performed without side effects or pain. It can be used as a complementary therapy for existing health problems as well as for disease prevention.

Overall, stimulation of the vagus nerve by biofrequencies is a promising method to improve the functions of internal organs and thus increase overall well-being.

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